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The exuberant artworks in Ruan Jooste’s series are an eye-popping display of colour and creativity. “We need something that’s uplifting and positive at this time,” says the Cape Town-based artist whose work shows a variety of people in typically South African settings

 wearing highly-stylised “fashion looks”.

- Emma Jordan, The Sunday Times

N E W  A R T

P E O P L E   &   P L A C E S

K I F F   K H A Y A

M Z A N S I   F A C E S

P R E S S  &  E X H I B I T I O N S

AKAA Art Fair Paris


House and Leisure


Dossier Magazine


Sunday Times

Sunday times
sunday times 2

The Art Times


Kiff Khaya Exhibition at Deepest Darkest Gallery


A B O U T  M E

I was born and raised in Nigel, a small town in Gauteng south-east of Johannesburg. As a young child I was always drawing, seeking creative outlets. Initially pursuing a passion in fashion design, I soon turned my focus to photography, teaching myself the necessary skills. This previous experience in design and photography culminated in my current digital art practice over recent years. 

I have always edited my photographs with a pen and pad, so it was a logical transition to painting digitally. The process is essentially similar to traditional painting on a canvas, starting with drawing outlines, layers are then painted with various ‘brushes’, layered, details added.

I like blending luxury fashion elements and South African brand iconography. The nostalgia these well-known local brands hold for so many of us is a reminder of our shared memories and associations, a connecting device. We as South Africans so often focus on what makes us different that we forget how much we are alike.

In my mind I want my subjects to form a part of a united tribe, one of courage, positivity and joy.


I want to continue to invite you into my world where anything and everything is possible, where old meets new, where no one is bound by the shackles of societal pressure.

C O N T A C T  

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